Sunday 4 April 2010

Watch Geo Super Live | Geo Super Online Live Streaming

Watch geo super Live | geo super Online Live Streaming

geo super live sports TV channel,Watch free online Geo Super live

Watch geo super live cricket

Geo Super live has done extremely well when it comes to covering sports events.
Geo super produce best streaming of the matches live streamings are available

Not only this, Geo Super’s efforts regarding sponsorship of different tournaments in Pakistan can not be shadowed.
Geo Super has also official ICC rights to cover all ICC events for the next five years.

These events include; ICC World Cup, ICC Champions Trophy, T20 World Cup, and ICC Under-19 World Cup.

Some of the famous Geo Super live programs include:

  • Score
  • Bolain Kya Baat Hai
  • Gillete World Sport
  • Howzatt!
  • World’s Strongest Man
  • Cricket kay Shahkaar
  • Thanda Garam Show
  • Super Gossip
Now you can watch free online geo super live sports tv

catch all the action from the world of sports.

Geo super coverage

Geo Super covers all major events in the cricketing world, boxing, hockey, football and tennis. Events like The Ashes, ICC Cricket World Cup, ICC Champions Trophy, IPL and Pakistan Boxing League to name a few. Recently, in collaboration with Pakistan Football Federation, Geo Super launched theGeo Super Football League competition involving the 5 big cities of Pakistan having their own football clubs in a league format competition for the betterment of football in Pakistan.
Since Geo Super is a Pakistan based sports channel, it has focused on the domestic sports in the country and has aired events like RBS Twenty20 Cup 2007-08 and RBS Twenty20 Cup 2008-09, RBS Pentangular Cup 2008-09 One Day, 52nd National Badminton Championship, 34th National Snooker Championship, 2nd Ranking Snooker Championship, Pentangular 6 Red Snooker Team Series, Shandur Polo Cup 2008, MAC Kyokushin, Spring Blossom Polo Festival, 16th National Skiing Championship, Super Football League (SFL) and many others and will air more of the domestic sports in the future.
Since Geo Super is a Pakistan based sports channel, it has focused on the domestic sports in the country and has aired events like RBS Twenty20 Cup 2007-08 and RBS Twenty20 Cup 2008-09, RBS Pentangular Cup 2008-09 One Day, 52nd National Badminton Championship, 34th National Snooker Championship, 2nd Ranking Snooker Championship, Pentangular 6 Red Snooker Team Series, Shandur Polo Cup 2008, MAC Kyokushin, Spring Blossom Polo Festival, 16th National Skiing Championship, Super Football League (SFL) and many others and will air more of the domestic sports in the future.

ICC World Cup 2011 dispute

The 2011 World Cup was to be the second to be hosted by Geo Super however PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regularity Authority) terminated Geo's contract for hosting the world cup. After taking the case to the Supreme Court Geo was reawarded the sole and exclusive rights to host the tournament Geo also announced that they had hired former Pakistan captain Imran Khan as a commentator

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